Beloved for its vast healing properties, Lavender a wonderful plant ally. It's antiseptic and anti-inflammatory - perfect for burns, rashes, and irritated and damaged skin. Lavender is used as a healing agent in creams, lotions, and salves. It has cell-regenerating properties and is used for reducing wrinkles, scarring, and stretch marks.
Spotlight On: Beeswax
Spotlight On: Beeswax
Rich honey-scented wax is made by bees to build their honeycombs. It is one of the most popular and widely used thickeners in skin care products. It has soothing, healing, and antibiotic properties.
We love to use it in our organic Peppermint Cocoa Lip Balm. #ingredientsmatter #beeswax #lipbalm #organiclipbalm #peppermintcocoalipbalm #lipcare #loveyourlips #organicskincare #organicbeauty #organic #organicingredients #naturally #naturalskincare #greenbeauty #naturalskincare #greenliving #natural #rootdownriseupgrowlove #loveyourskin #nocreepystuff #becauseweloveyou